IITs - Planet Hell (sorry Nightwish)

(c) asserted by Prof. S. Rameshwar Rao founder Best IIT JEE coaching
17-June-2023 7:17am IST, New Delhi

In a society where success is often equated with academic achievements and financial stability, the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) once stood as symbols of excellence and a gateway to a prosperous future. However, behind the glittering reputation and the promise of high-paying jobs lies a darker reality. The pressure, competition, and mental health issues faced by students pursuing the IIT dream are taking a toll on their well-being. This report aims to shed light on the multifaceted problems within the IIT system, focusing on the misguided beliefs of parents, the intense academic environment, the lack of support systems, and the need for a balanced approach that nurtures true talents and interests.

The IIT Myth:

The IIT Myth

In the Indian middle-class society, a widespread belief persists that gaining admission to an IIT is a guaranteed ticket to success. Parents, driven by this notion, start pressuring their children from a young age to excel academically and secure a coveted spot in an IIT. Unfortunately, this approach often disregards the unique talents and interests of the child, leading to a narrow focus on a single path to success. It is crucial to recognize that success should not be measured solely by IIT admissions, but by the fulfillment and happiness derived from pursuing one's true passion.

The Role of Media:

The obsession with IIT admission is further fueled by media reports highlighting the high-paying job offers from top companies that await IIT graduates. While it is true that the median salary of a fresh IIT graduate is around ₹8-10 lakh per year, it is important to acknowledge that not all graduates secure jobs on campus. Approximately 15-20% of students in top IITs face unemployment, shattering the illusion of a guaranteed prosperous future. Media coverage should provide a balanced perspective, showcasing alternative career paths and the value of individuality, rather than solely focusing on financial outcomes.

Exam-Centric Pressure:

IIT JEE Coaching institutes have emerged as a prominent feature of the IIT preparation process. While these institutes play a role in imparting knowledge, they often prioritize exam-specific preparation over holistic learning. The competitive atmosphere within these institutes adds to the already immense pressure faced by students. Instead of nurturing creativity, critical thinking, and a love for learning, the focus remains on rote memorization and formulaic problem-solving. This narrow approach stifles intellectual growth and fails to develop well-rounded individuals.

The Pressure Cooker Environment:

The competition does not end with gaining admission to an IIT. Once inside, students find themselves amidst intense competition, striving for high grades and prestigious internships. Shockingly, a considerable number of students enrolled in IITs are not genuinely interested in engineering and feel unhappy on campus. This disconnection between passion and academic pursuit further exacerbates the mental health issues prevalent among students. The IIT experience should be a fulfilling journey of self-discovery and personal growth, rather than a source of anxiety and unhappiness.

The Mental Health Toll:

In the pursuit of the IIT dream, students bear an enormous burden of stress and fear of failure. The consequences of this pressure can be severe, leading to mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. Tragically, some students even resort to suicide attempts as a result of the overwhelming academic and societal expectations placed upon them. While counseling centers exist within IITs, effective support requires perceptive counselors who can address the unique challenges faced by students. Moreover, student-led initiatives, including mentorship programs and peer support groups, can provide practical advice and a sense of camaraderie that alleviates stress and fosters a healthier campus environment.

Beyond Academics:

Soft skills and communication training are essential for overall personal and professional development. However, IITs often fall short in providing comprehensive education in these areas. The focus on technical knowledge and academic excellence overshadows the importance of developing effective communication skills, teamwork, and leadership qualities. Consequently, some IIT graduates face unemployment despite their technical prowess, as they lack the essential skills required in the job market. It is imperative for IITs to incorporate comprehensive training programs that equip students with the necessary interpersonal and professional skills, enabling them to thrive in a dynamic and competitive world.

The Impact of Technology:

The excessive usage of the internet within IIT hostels has had unintended consequences. While technology undoubtedly offers numerous benefits, it has led to a decline in peer interaction and reduced participation in extracurricular activities. Students are increasingly engrossed in virtual realms, disconnecting from real-life social interactions that foster personal growth and well-rounded development. Striking a balance between utilizing technology for educational purposes and promoting healthy interpersonal relationships is crucial to creating a vibrant and holistic campus environment.

Addressing the Issues:

Recognizing the challenges faced by students, IITs have begun to acknowledge and address these issues. Efforts are being made to implement reforms that prioritize mental health support, establish comprehensive counseling services, and foster a more nurturing academic environment. However, to truly transform the IIT system, parental pressure must be addressed. Parents play a pivotal role in shaping the aspirations and well-being of their children. They need counseling and awareness to understand the negative impact of their ambitions and to encourage a more balanced approach that embraces their children's true talents and passions.


The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) system, once hailed as the pinnacle of success, is revealing its dark underbelly. The pressures, intense competition, and mental health challenges faced by students pursuing the IIT dream have cast a shadow on their academic journey. It is crucial to break the myth that an IIT education guarantees success and prosperity. Instead, a more holistic approach should be embraced, emphasizing the importance of individual talents, passions, and well-being. IITs must strive to provide a nurturing and supportive environment that fosters personal growth, encourages creativity, and equips students with the skills necessary for a fulfilling and successful future. By addressing the issues highlighted in this article and promoting a balanced approach, we can alleviate the horrors of the IIT dream and create a brighter and healthier educational landscape for future generations.

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